I am an amateur photographer living in Christchurch, New Zealand and love spending time in the mountains and being free from my urban habitat.
My passion for Landscape Photography has evolved over time along with my desire to share my experiences with others. The contrasting structures, light and atmospherics in the landscape create a wealth of images begging to be captured, from subtle to dramatic combinations that I want to share with others.
I am in awe with what I see and feel in these environments and want others to experience the same.
From my early beginnings only a few years back I have narrowed my photographic genre to both Landscape in the wild, and our urban Landscape which also has its dramatic poses through the architecture that structures our cities, and the people who navigate their way through their day.
Success comes to me from the responses I see in people viewing my images, however, I have recently been awarded an “Honourable Mention” by ND Magazine for two of my images from the Dolomites.
I shoot mostly within New Zealand but have recently returned from the Dolomites with even more inspiration to share my experiences so you can see the world as I do.
I began my photography journey in 2016 and whilst always having an interest, I truly found the seeds of my passion through the tutoring from award winning photographer Paul Daly. As my interest and skills grew I searched for more and have now qualified with a Diploma in Digital Photography.
My learnings continue as I seek to develop my skills even further and are thankful for the expert workshops from Paul Daly, Mads Peter Iversen, William Patino, and Samuel Scicluna.
Paul Daly - Nomadic Planet
Mads Peter Iversen - Mads Peter Iversen Photography
William Patino - William Patino Photography
Samuel Scicluna - Samuel Scicluna Photography
Peter Cox - NZDP, LSPNZ
Credit: Terry Marshal Photography